Wednesday 7 October 2009

A brief guide to snooker referees

The snooker season is now well and truly underway, with the Grand Prix taking place in Glasgow right now. I therefore thought it would be timely to provide a brief guide to the people wearing the white gloves.

Appearance Well done! You've spotted...
Tall, Dutch and friendly. The kind of guy you'd employ to be your butler if you were stinking rich and owned a castle. Jan Verhaas. He performs the initial toss using a half guilder coin.
Welsh, balding, glasses-wearing. Bears more than a passing resemblance to the fat controller. Eirian Williams. Apparently enjoys a spot of karaoke outside of work.
Female. Killer heels. Michaela Tabb. Used to be a professional eight ball pool player.
Old and smiley with a cheeky streak. Could easily be a grandad from a Werther's Original advert. Alan Chamberlain. Before he was a referee he sold ladies underwear.
Looks like his suit might burst. Kind of like Mr Blobby, but without the spots. Peter Williamson. Has officiated six 147s.
Small, hesitant, slightly Transylvanian.Terry Camilleri. Comes from Malta, not Romania.
Round face, glasses. Fairly unremarkable but nonetheless naggingly familiar. Colin Humphries A poker-playing Liverpudlian.

Picture from Maciej Jaros on Wikimedia Commons

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